I'm Umanga Bista , from Lamjung, Nepal .

I am interested in applying Machine Learning and Natural Language processing, and also in analyzing we and social media data.

AI Engineer at Oracle [May 2021 - now]

I joined Oracle in Melbourne, Australia as Artificial Intillegence Engineer. I work in Natural language processing for building Conversational AI.

Australian National University [Mar 2017-Apr 2021]

I am also a PhD candidate at the Computational media lab, Australian National University . I am awaiting thesis examination. My thesis title is "Comparative Summarization of Document Collections".

My PhD supevisors were Prof. Lexing Xie , Dr. Aditya Menon , Dr Alexander Mathews and Dr. Lizhen Qu.

I was also a Casual Research engineer in Computational Media lab, developing and maintaining 24x7 scalable data collection and preprocessing pipelines.

Tutoring Programming for Data Scientists [2020], Intro to Machine Learning [2020], Document Analysis [2017,18]


Conference Proceedings

Umanga Bista, Alexander Mathews, Aditya Krishna Menon, Lexing Xie. (2020). SupMMD: A Sentence Importance Model for Extractive Summarization using Maximum Mean Discrepancy. In Findings of ACL: EMNLP 2020 [arxiv link] [Code]

Umanga Bista, Alexander Mathews, Minjeong Shin, Aditya Krishna Menon, Lexing Xie. (2019). Comparative Document Collection via Classification. In Associations of Advancements in Artificial Intilligence (AAAI) [arxiv link] [Code + Dataset] [Supplementary Info]

Aditya Mogadala, Umanga Bista, Lexing Xie, Achim Rettinger. (2018). Knowledge Guided Attention and Inference for Describing Images Containing Unseen Objects. In European Semantic Web Conference [Link]

Basanta Joshi, Umanga Bista, Manoj Ghimire. (2014). Intelligent Clustering Scheme for Log Data Streams. In A. Gelbukh (Ed.), Computational Linguistics and Intelligent Text Processing (CICLING) (Vol. 8404, pp. 454–465). Springer Berlin Heidelberg. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-54903-8_38

Doctoral Symposium
Umanga Bista. (2019). Comparative summarisation of rich media collections International Conference of Web and Social Media (WSDM) Doctoral Symposium [Link to PDF]
Demo Papers and others

M Shin, D Kim, JH Lee, U Bista, L Xie. (2019). Visualizing Graph Differences from Social Media Streams International Conference of Web and Social Media (WSDM) Demo [Link to PDF]

Umanga Bista, Ashok Basnet, Aayush Shrestha, Sarvagya Pant. (2013). XBRL Implementation for Financial Reporting to the Office of Company Registrar. Undergraduate major report submitted to: Institute of Engineering, Central Campus Pulchowk, Tribhuvan University.


I was working as Research Engineer at LogPoint [Oct/2013-Feb/2017].

I was a computer engineering student at Institute of Engineering, Central Campus Pulchowk, Lalitpur, Nepal [Nov/2009-Sep/2013].

Previously, I have worked on project for financial data representation and mining using XBRL with Office of Company Registrar, Nepal [Oct/2012-Sep/2013].

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